Noah falck silo city
Noah falck silo city

noah falck silo city

noah falck silo city

garcia, and Rachel McKiibbens at Silo City Reading. Give me a quick preview of what I'd see if I walked into a Silo City reading. Literary news and recommendations written by the editors of Peach Mag. After talking to him about all that goes into one of these events, I am even more hype to attend one.

#Noah falck silo city series#

I remember standing in a room / the color of dropped pennies / holding hands with strangers in masks. It turns out, Silo City Reading Series is hosted by Noah Falck, education director at Just Buffalo Literary Center, and it isn't only a place for poets. Maybe an emptiness / made out of October / I couldn’t apologize for // or that long drive / into the middle of the state / where all the flags hung like fire.

noah falck silo city

You got better with age / was the mood I was in / that afternoon on the Hudson. "MISTAKES ON PURPOSE" Did you know the shadows / played the part of sadness / in the decade before we met? // And the trees swooned / slow like a secret / between old lovers. We stood still, together, / part darkness, part sky. I remember standing in a room / the color of dropped pennies / holding hands with strangers in masks.

Noah falck silo city